5 Best Practices for Recruitment Automation

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Let’s face it; we’ll never take the human aspect out of recruiting because on some level it requires communication between potential candidates and recruiters.

However, recruitment CRM software can greatly reduce the amount of time spent on menial, time-consuming tasks by automating them.

But automation can seem a little confusing and even difficult to understand. How can we automate candidate engagement while still maintaining a human touch to the business? And how can you as a business still continue to cater to individual candidate requirements?

Well, here are five practices to keep in mind while automating your recruitment process.

1. Create Personas

Just like companies sell products to buyers, as a recruiting agency, it’s your job to sell job openings to potential candidates.

While selling their products, most companies create a buyer person as – they assign certain characteristics and personalities to a hypothetical buyer and focus their marketing on targeting buyers that meet the criteria specific to this persona.

Similarly, you’ll need to create candidate personas to fit the job openings that you have to offer. Figure out the kind of candidate you would like to hire and assign specific traits and characteristics to this hypothetical candidate.

Using this persona as a basis for your search, you can tailor your recruitment automation efforts in a way to ensure that you reach out to the right type of candidates.

2. Use Multiple Channels

There are a lot of job openings out there vying for the attention of potential candidates. So to ensure a higher chance of success in the recruitment market, you’ll have to reach out to candidates using multiple channels of communication.

Using different platforms such as social media, job boards, and email marketing is a given. But you also want to be able to reach out to the same candidate through multiple channels so the job opening is more visible.

With the help of a recruitment CRM software system like Recruiterflow you can take a multi-pronged approach to sourcing candidates which is sure to integrate well with your automation efforts.

3. Focus on Candidate Experience

Ensuring an enjoyable candidate experience is perhaps the most important aspect of the recruitment process. As an agency you must be able to keep candidates engaged and interested in the job offering or they may quit the process entirely, resulting in the loss of valuable talent.

With the help of the candidate persona you’ve created, you can automate emails and communications in a way that seems organic and speaks directly to the candidate in question.

This is perhaps the most important and tricky part of recruitment automation – creating emails and messages that still bear the semblance of human interaction and don’t sound robotic.

4. Track Your Progress

It’s important that you’re able to track and record the impact of the recruitment processes set up by your business. A system like Recruiterflow provides visual reports of your business activities, showing you where your efforts can be improved.

You can receive insights like which recruitment channels source the best candidates and what interview process works best during the hiring stage. By tracking this data you can make changes in your recruitment automation that will improve the rate of quality hires and reduce the time and effort spent on activities that provide little or no returns.

5. Choose The Right Software

Finally, it’s important to choose a software which gives you the flexibility to adjust your recruitment automation practices based on your agency’s requirements.

The right software can go a long way towards making your recruitment processes both organic and relevant to potential candidates. And being able to communicate with candidates on this fundamental level is essential to the success of any recruitment business.

6. Time To Step It Up

By integrating health practices into your automation process you can create a positive impression of your agency in the minds of potential candidates.

These essential practices also help your recruitment automation process have a more powerful impact, allowing your business to stay connected with candidates on a more real level.

And in a market where candidate relationship management is key, figuring out the best way to automate your recruitment process can take your business to the next stage.

So focus on automation and good luck!

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